Morning Coffee
I got up early this morning. With soft puppy snoring filling the air, I gingerly walked through the dark rooms to the kitchen, trying to allow sleeping dogs (and my husband) to lay undisturbed and avoid the possible contact of one tiny toe to the sharp corner of my bedpost. I still had sleep in me, but the call of coffee was stronger.
As I sipped on my required cup of java, I watched the sun rise. The birds sang, the air was crisp before it was to heat up in a few hours, our simple abode showed a golden sheen with morning rays climbing the brick exterior and the insightful thoughts started streaming as I watched this day being born. We’re not given an endless amount of these moments within the grand scheme of time. Even the birds know to celebrate each morning with song.
What am I doing to celebrate my gift of waking up to a new day? What thoughts and influences am I adding to my perspective and are they healthy ones that allow me to hold myself in calm balance? Have I taken the time to observe and connect with my surroundings before jumping in the potentially chaotic routine? Most importantly, am I inflating my personal happiness over a more significant vantage point?
There are demands, turmoil, unrest and important issues pulling on all of us. As John Butler, a virtual mentor I follow states, “Feet on the ground, listen and look.” These words are becoming my mantra as I gain some perspective from my racing thoughts and emotions. Then, as I become very serious and bring deep thoughts to a whole new level, I find a picture of Anthony Bourdain giving a casual flip off and know I must share it with my husband. I feel a leap of joy.
So, as I start this new day, I would love to hear how each of you answer these questions or possibly add new ones. Maybe together we could join those birds in celebratory song.